
This is a sad poem I wrote a while back, it is about death. Special thankyou to Amanda Sarazin for helping me on it : D
Anyway, please, anyone, tell me what you truly think of it, since it is one of my first poems.
So many things...
So many things were built up
I didn't take the time to sort them out
and I acted too quickly.
Now it is over, ended
so wrongly
I sit next to my mother
whom is crying hard,
trying to figure out what she did wrong
I try to tell her she did nothing wrong
it was all my doing
I speak to her
telling her the truth
trying to calm her
she cannot hear me
I begin to cry
screaming at my mother
trying hard to make her hear me
I stare down at my bloody wrists
still bleeding
but I feel no pain
my pain is in my heart
I acted too quickly
those that cared for me
cannot care anymore
I have spread my misery into their lives
I watch the wooden box
holding my entire life
holding my loves
my losses
and all that I ever cared for
lowered into a hole
They walk away
I chase after them
not wanting to give up
But they ignore me and continue to walk
It begins to rain
and I stand alone as I watch them all leave
leave me behind
and forget about me
If only I hadn't acted to quickly