What the hell have you got on your feet?

School started, just as fast as I expected, no surprise there.
News news news...um...i'm farther on that secret movie, and I hope to soon finish it.
I saw this movie Mirror Mask last weekend and its really cool. Please rent it if you want, I believe it would be worth your time :) Very imaginative. I also watched Mars Attacks, that movie is just plain weird, but I love it anyway. You probably won't want to rent that movie, most would find it just...weird.
Here's a new movie, another one of my old ones. Its kind of fun to watch. The ending kind of reminds me of The Motorbike, he he
Early Animations
In other news, my parakeet Emily is doing just a little better. She still gets afraid when you take her out of her cage. But she seems to be responding more with chirps and squakes, its funny. Whenever I come home from school or just come in the door she greets me with a chirp, kinda cute really :) I usually say to her,"Hello Emily...pretty bird," to which she squakes some more. So it must be some form of conversation, lol
I've caught my first cold since school has started. Its not so bad though. Just a runny nose pretty much.
In our science class we had to build boats out of cardboard and duct tape, then get inside them, and race them across a lake. When I first heard this I was pretty scared, then thought it would be fun. We built the boat, then we raced it on Monday in the cold :( I'm thinkin that's how I got sick. Our boat didn't sink though, so that was good.
Riddle me this, what walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three in the evening? See if you can answer that ;) "If you get it wrong, I'll devour you, bones and all!"