You've instigated chaos here
This is how my face looks today...

This is how my face feels today...

To elaborate I got my wisdom teeth pulled today :D It was interesting. When I was told I was going to get them pulled about a month ago I was calm about it, and I remained calm because I have had teeth pulled before and its no big deal. Then as soon as I sat down in the chair this morning I started thinking of all the worst possible things that could happen! It was kinda funny because they had the heart monitor thingy on and it was all normal,"Beep......Beep.......Beep." Then the doctor tied my arm down for the shot and i freaked out and it was all like,"BeepBeepBeepBeepBeep!" ha ha, I laughed. All in all it was an entertaining day, something different.
I felt like blogging tonight so that's what I'm doing right now.
I've been stuck on the game Banjo-Kazooie for N64 for the past 3 or 4 days. It's a really really great game. If you have an N64 I really recommend getting it. It is so funny and fun, it's really a classic.
I bought the soundtrack to Article 99, its a movie I've never seen, but the music was by Danny Elfman so I wanted to get it. The music is okay. It starts out okay, kind of boring for my taste, then by the third track it got pretty cool, then it got a little boring again. But I'm really glad I got it. It sounds like a combination between his Batman Returns and Nightmare Before Christmas music, which is pretty sweet.
I've been really good at keeping up with animating on my new movie, I'm not promising a due date because I never make them. But its about half way done, maybe a little over half way done. Anyway, if I keep working hard, it will be done very soon :)
They have a clay animated show on CBS, I believe, called Creature Comforts and it's really funny. Anyone who wants to should check it out.
Yeah, here is another short animation of mine I made for Health Class a while back. It's short but kind of shweet.
We made it in about 20 minutes, it didn't turn out that bad.
Anyway, I'm gonna go. Fair well.

This is how my face feels today...

To elaborate I got my wisdom teeth pulled today :D It was interesting. When I was told I was going to get them pulled about a month ago I was calm about it, and I remained calm because I have had teeth pulled before and its no big deal. Then as soon as I sat down in the chair this morning I started thinking of all the worst possible things that could happen! It was kinda funny because they had the heart monitor thingy on and it was all normal,"Beep......Beep.......Beep." Then the doctor tied my arm down for the shot and i freaked out and it was all like,"BeepBeepBeepBeepBeep!" ha ha, I laughed. All in all it was an entertaining day, something different.
I felt like blogging tonight so that's what I'm doing right now.
I've been stuck on the game Banjo-Kazooie for N64 for the past 3 or 4 days. It's a really really great game. If you have an N64 I really recommend getting it. It is so funny and fun, it's really a classic.
I bought the soundtrack to Article 99, its a movie I've never seen, but the music was by Danny Elfman so I wanted to get it. The music is okay. It starts out okay, kind of boring for my taste, then by the third track it got pretty cool, then it got a little boring again. But I'm really glad I got it. It sounds like a combination between his Batman Returns and Nightmare Before Christmas music, which is pretty sweet.
I've been really good at keeping up with animating on my new movie, I'm not promising a due date because I never make them. But its about half way done, maybe a little over half way done. Anyway, if I keep working hard, it will be done very soon :)
They have a clay animated show on CBS, I believe, called Creature Comforts and it's really funny. Anyone who wants to should check it out.
Yeah, here is another short animation of mine I made for Health Class a while back. It's short but kind of shweet.
We made it in about 20 minutes, it didn't turn out that bad.
Anyway, I'm gonna go. Fair well.
I love Creature Comforts! It's on the ABC at home. :) The slugs and Fluffy the hamster are my favourites.
Anonymous, at June 19, 2007
Jack, I feel so bad for you. Please e-mail me. I'm lonely! AND BORED!
shoneyrox, at June 23, 2007
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