It was a Horseman, a dead one, headless!

Summer is half over, everyone is saying that, and it makes me sad. But I knew it was going to go by fast, so its okay.
Well I have been busy, ha not that way. Um, I've made a new movie called The Motorbike. Jack and Jordan (My friend and I) are back for another short comedy, watch as we get into more wacky situations (I'm makin a preview here, can you tell, ha ha) Well anyway, I hope you enjoy it-
The Motorbike
I am also taking a little break from Horaro, I'm sorry, I don't really know if anyone was greatly looking forward to it, if you were I'm terribly sorry. But I'm really syked about the movie I'm workin on now. Its with Jack and Jordan again and this time there battling forces with the Headless Horseman! AHHH! I've gotten the first scene done and I am workin on the second, its coming along nicely. You know I am thinking of maybe just sticking with these characters, Jack and Jordan, through a lot of films. Even though they are based of my friend and I've really grown attached to there characters and there type of comedy, its just so fun and funny. I don't know, what do you (the readers) think? Do you like seeing these guys in movies compared to other ones? I like asking opinions, I hope that's ok :(
Well listen I got a sleeping schedule to keep so I had best be off. Good night
Wow Jack, I love the movie, hey it actually worked on my computer, yay! I would never have enough time or patience to do one of these, but I really like watching yours! Can't wait to see the headless horseman one, keep up the good work!
Helen, at July 22, 2006
i'm glad :) thankyou for the comment. animation for me is probably like taking care of horses for you, it takes a lot of work and stuf, but it pays off in the end :D he he
thankyou again
Jack, at July 23, 2006
yayayay! more jack and jordan films! greg and i diligently await the next one. =D ~cheryl
Drama Boss, at July 25, 2006
thankyou Cheryl and Greg! :)
i think you will like the next one ^^
Jack, at July 26, 2006
Jack, you should make a Jack&Jordan with guest appearances by me and Cheryl! That would be so fun! Yay!
Drama Boss, at July 29, 2006
Okay! That would be fun! I could have you guys do voices too :)
Jack, at July 29, 2006
I like that idea, that'd be cool! Can't wait to see the horseman one, sounds great... yep :D
Helen, at July 30, 2006
Jack, that was awsome! I loved it, I couldn't stop laughing. YOU ROCK!
shoneyrox, at July 31, 2006
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