According to Plan

I finished the second scene of Horaro the other day, it turned out really nice. When I was animating a conversation between the two little lego guys yesterday I put in my own voice for the main character and found that it actually matches quite well :) I think I am going to do the voice for him. But I hope to get a variety of people to do voices for the other characters. So now I am in a classroom scene and I have to animate like 12 kids all at once, it's gonna be a challenge!
Well my mom arranged for me to see a counselor last week, and I don't really know what to think of it. Sitting down and talking to my mom about this stuff is hard, because she has a tendency to tell everyone stuff I don't want to be told. But hopefully with this counselor thing I can get rid of my depression :) That would be nice.
Hey before I forget, you guys can visit my Myspace page and find out more about me! Won't that just be fun??? Here's the link to find out for yourself-
My Myspace
Hmm, well lets see....OH, I got a new bed last week! It is a futon and boy is it nice. It's so comfy. I watched the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape yesterday. That was a pretty nice movie, I don't really know what to say about it, it was just a good film.
I haven't really worked much on my story about the proper town lately, been busy reading through my script for The Cruicible. I guess it is coming along okay.
Oh yeah, I have a shoutbox now, so I guess that is kind of cool. I guess I'd kind of like it if there were no anonymous comments, but it's no big deal really.
That's about all for now, bye.
hey Leah, it was nice talking to you online again tonight. i am gonna try and get MSN messanger okay, have a good day
Jack, at April 05, 2006
Jack, I loved seeing your Puppy/Kitty. YOU ROCK!!!
shoneyrox, at April 05, 2006
ha ha, i meant for it to look like a dog but i guess it looks like a rabbit too, maybe a kitty, i dunno. thankyou Jena, i still need your email.
Jack, at April 06, 2006
Jack here it is
shoneyrox, at April 06, 2006
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