Jack's Blog

Friday, December 2

Chocolate Nightmare

It is funny how sometimes you don't wanna draw at all, then all of a sudden you just sit down and start drawing and you are just loving it. Yeah I drew this pic of the new Wonka in my class, it is one of my better drawings actually. Then I sat down tonight and drew another pic. This one is a combination pic of Nightmare before Christmas and Chocolate Factory, which is quite an obsession of mine lately. But I hope you enjoy them.
This week has been a little insane. Apart from working on and performing a choir concert I have also started a new story and already have a terrible writers block. This one is very tough cause I have really thought about it and it seems there is no way around it. My new story is called possessed Caveman; it is about a caveman who gets...well...Possessed. It is just supposed to be a fun little story, but I am not having so much fun with it now. It is really hard to figure out what a possessed caveman can do when he is all alone and there is nothing to make him do. If anyone has any idea for what could happen I would really appreciate it : D
I am also workin on my new clay figure, James, and he is looking pretty good.
It is also now permanent that my Chocolate Factory movie is gone, I saved it on discs, and now, for some odd damn reason I can't get them off the damn discs! So it's all down the toilet, which is a wonderful feeling of all the work I put into it, stupid computer. The same thing happened with my Horaro movie where part of the first clip deleted and now I have to start over with that too, so I don't know what the problem is with these frikken computers!
But I am also getting my first claymation with "Eddy" put together. Then I will get to put voices, sounds and music in. I have no idea if i'll get it up online somewhere where anyone can watch it, but I will try. That would be great.
But I am going to go draw some more, so have a good night.


  • Why thankyou
    it is really weird sometimes cause I can get inspired by the weirdest things and get the weirdest ideas

    By Blogger Jack, at December 04, 2005  

  • ha ha, sweet, like Vincents zombie dog, Abacrombie (I think that is how you spell it)

    By Blogger Jack, at December 04, 2005  

  • Hey thanks for the idea, but I have decided to stop that story, sorry. I am gonna make another story which I will write about later. But that was a good idea, maybe I'll use it later.

    By Blogger Jack, at December 10, 2005  

  • I have kinda started up that idea again, and I think I might use that idea, its a good idea

    By Blogger Jack, at January 29, 2006  

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